Choose the product you wish to buy, select features (if any) and  click on ADD TO CART. One item is added to the shopping cart. You can add more items or quantities, just click again on the ADD TO CART button. When CART is according to what you want to buy you must click OPEN CART. A new window appears with the information about  all the selected items. Check quantity, price and shipping. If you did a mistake you can change your order or click EMPTY CART and resume purchases at any time. Once done you should click the BUY button or Check out with PAYPAL button.

If you chose the BUY button, you must fill in the following  fields:

Shipping Details

Fill the shipping address and check the shipping value. After all checked and correct click CONTINUE.

Payment Details

Choose the payment method, which can be PayPal Express Checkout, Bank Transfer or ATM (only Portuguese Bank)

    If you choose PayPal Express Checkout you will be  redirected to the secure payment PayPal page.   
    If you choose Bank Transfer, you will see the information of our Bank account (NIB, IBAN). These data will also be sent in the mail order confirmation.
    If you choose ATM, after finalizing the order an ATM reference is generated and sent to your email address.( Payable only through the Portuguese banking system)

Important: correctly enter the email address due to all correspondence and notices will be sent by e-mail.

You can also create an account in SurfTotal Shop to access your data and your orders.

Confirm and finalize your order

Here you can see all the details of your order. You can always go back (using the progress bar in footer).

To complete your order just click the FINISH YOUR ORDER button. You can print the order form. Check your e-mail for a copy of the order form.

Then just close the window and continue to browse the SurfTotal Shop.

After payment confirmation your order will be shipped to the given address.